Achieving product-market fit (PMF) is a critical milestone that separates thriving startups from those that falter. To guide you on this journey, AC Ventures presents "Introduction to Product-Market Fit: A Primer for Startups." This playbook distills insights from 86 founders and professionals within Indonesia's startup ecosystem, offering practical advice, strategies, and real-world examples to help you achieve and measure PMF effectively.

Through detailed research and interviews with industry leaders at Xendit, KoinWorks, and Bobobox, this guide explores the integral phases of PMF, from understanding your target market and defining a unique value proposition to building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and setting up consistent feedback loops. It also provides in-depth insights into measuring PMF using both quantitative and qualitative metrics, ensuring your product resonates with its intended audience.

Inside, you'll find an executive summary that provides an overview of PMF and key findings from the survey. The guide starts with understanding the target market, offering techniques for defining your audience and identifying customer needs. It then explains how to craft a compelling value proposition that differentiates your product. The section on developing products that address customer problems provides strategies for building and iterating effective MVPs. To help you measure PMF, the playbook covers various metrics and methods for assessing PMF.

Download the playbook here

Product-Market-Fit-Playbook-2024 (1).pdf