Check Out Our Payment Policy and Procedures Guide

Running a startup means keeping the wheels turning smoothly, and part of that involves managing how money flows out as much as how it flows in. Our Payment Policy and Procedures Guide is designed to ensure that every transaction your startup makes is seamless, sensible, and secure.

In this guide, you'll find everything you need to know about setting up and managing accounts payable. We walk you through our established procedures for paying for goods and services procured via purchase orders, ensuring that these payments are made within reasonable time frames and according to vendor credit terms.

This guide also clarifies the roles and responsibilities within the payment process, ensuring that there is clarity and accountability from the moment a purchase request is made to the final payment execution. Whether you are a budget owner, department head, or part of our finance team, understanding these guidelines will help you navigate through every step of the payment process with confidence.

Note: This document is provided for internal use within the ACV community and contains essential protocols intended to prevent errors and fraud, ensuring that every dollar spent is an investment towards our collective success. Please adhere to the outlined procedures to maintain the integrity and efficiency of our financial operations.

Download the document below

ACV Guideline_ Payment Policy and Procedures.pdf